Friday, June 6, 2008

Jacob's first game of the season, and they win!

Unfortunately, I didn't get pictures of last nights game....but I can give you the won! was a close game, but young Jacob got some good hits...I think his coach is very motivating. He tells Jacob to "get mad at the ball" .lol...can do!

Jacob had a nice hit to outfield and got on first...Adam is convinced that he would have made it to 2nd, but Jacob was not in a running mood. lol...He did get run home, almost got called out, cause he hates to slide...dirties the pants you know. lol His team did really well, good pitchers good players. I was very proud of them...go Angels!

Another update on the Jakester, well, he's been complaining his knee hurts, just aches, nothing too horrible, but it's been like that for a while now. Adam took the boys for checkups yesterday, and he mentioned it to the dr. Turns out he has a tendonitis in his knee and the dr. said he would grow out of it. Also said Jacob has virtually flat feet, so he runs flatfooted...might aggravate it, but should be fine in time.

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