Friday, October 3, 2008

Owen Michael Satterlee has arrived!

Owen Michael was born at 7:21 a.m. on October 2nd! Here are some pictures of the wonderful little one and his parents!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hey Y'all!

We just got back from our trip to Arkansas on Sunday, and enjoyed our trip...this whole experience is so bittersweet for me, cause I have been looking forward to change, but then when it happened I realized that I'd be leaving people behind! So, I'm excited about new, but sad to leave behind old and dear. We leased this great house in Bentonville for a year, and please say many prayers for our house here to sell quickly...I would greatly appreciate it, and anyway there is a 4th bedroom in it, for our guests! :)

Adam had the awesome idea of putting David's bed into the 4th bedroom, so we can sleep as many as 3 people in there! I was like give me 5, like 5 times for that one...great idea! We just need a new futon mattress for the bottom and we're good to go! (we have one, it's just really flat) The boys have picked their rooms and the house is so close to everything...10 minutes from work and high school, and like 5 from the middle school. Very cool! So, since we cinched the house up on Saturday morning that left the rest of the day to explore and stuff.

We looked at Beaver Lake and Adam's boss showed us where he'll be working and also the huge fitness center that is like $15.00 a month for employees, and went to the mall in Rogers. I want to show you what we saw! :) Much love, Jill
This is D trying to give me a heart attack, by sitting at the edge of this platform overlooking the valley we saw. It was just beautiful!
This is what we saw! See the big bird? Can't tell if it's an eagle or hawk, but it's awesome. :)
J and Ad pretending to be an explorer - lol :)

This was a lone sailboat on Beaver Lake. Very peaceful there.Beach area of Beaver Lake. People playing volleyball. This is the bottom of the Ozarks right here.
South Rogers Shopping Center. Much like Geneva Commons. The boys had fun running around.

This is the house we're renting for a year. Pretty huh? I'm standing by the car on the street! Lots of hills in this area. Has a forest across the way from us on the other side of the neighbors.
This is the kitchen in the house. Nice tile and granite...Not a huge kitchen, but who said I was a cook? lol...actually, I'm going to look into some light cooking classes. Hope I find some!
This is the living room. There is no family room, but this is a nice sized room. Our flat screen, when we get it, will go on one of the 2 walls perfect for it :)
Jacccuuuuzzziii tuuuuuubbbb :)
This is the corner of the back yard, looking at the covered deck. It's nice and cozy on that deck :)

There was this subdivision there...and they had these castle looking houses in it! Medieval know wood with iron crosshatch on them...Adam thought they looked like Hansel and Gretel homes...I think Jacob will be going to school with kids from this subdivision, and we joked what if they come to school wearing medieval garb, wouldn't that be awesome?? lol

Bentonville HS, brand new this year, 9-12, almost 3,200 students and really awesome! David loved it.
This is only part of the campus. That red building is where the 9th graders mainly take classes. They also have a huge band room, choir room and gyms in this building.

This is J's more understated Middle school he'll be attending :)'s connected to the elementary school. It's a 5-6 grade school, so next year he'll have to switch schools again. :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Check out my way cool friends!

I have the nicest friends! They held a really cool gathering for me today to celebrate my move to Arkansas...thanks everyone who could make it and bummer to those who couldn't! Would have loved to see you today :) We'll definitely keep in touch! Love, Jill

I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and new.

Friday night game :)

So Friday night was Big D's first high school marching band night...and it was his last with DeKalb, so we had to be there taking pictures and was bittersweet!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Congratulations Jena and Steve!

My nephew Steve and his sweet girlfriend, Jena are having a baby boy and are due October 10 :) The same day my David was due! He was born on the 19th, but I'm guessing this little one will come on the 14th. So yesterday was the baby shower and it was amazing! I have never seen so many people and so many presents...they are really blessed! Best wishes kids!
When Jena first walks in. It was supposed to be a surprise, but she found out anyway :)
Only SOME of the people :)

Only SOME of the presents!Another view with Sherry, who had the daunting task of writing down all the gift givers and presents :)
Getting ready to open :)

Chelsey helps out with passing the gifts over and looks on with the other girls :)Sherry tells Chelsey to smile cause she'll probably see herself on my facebook :) lol

Here they open Gramma Carolyn's gifts - they enjoyed the album, pillow, blankets and onesies :) Thanks Gramma!!

Smile Gramma Chrissy! HA HA

Friday, August 29, 2008

We're Moving to Arkansas!

Earlier this week, Adam got a call from Sam's Club that they wanted to offer him a job as a Category Manager! Adam asked for an additional week of paid vacation as well as more money...and we received the word yesterday they agreed to both!!

We told the boys last night and at first it was a little bit of a shock but they are on board! We are flying down to AR the week after next to do some home shopping and will be packing and hopefully selling our house very soon! (If you know anyone in need of an 1810 sq ft home in Cortland, IL with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths...have them give me a call!)

He has to work at Sam's Club for a week (a store) and do this while we pack...we are happy to have help packing btw...and will pay handsomely in beer and pizza the next month or so will be very hectic! But we are excited and looking forward to our trip and our new place, and are so proud of Adam for landing this awesome opportunity...great job Ad :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cutest things your kid does?

What are some of the cutest things your kids do? Leave a comment for me, cause I would love to know. :)

One of the cutest things, albeit distracting, that my oldest Big D does is he watches his shadow when he's doing things. :) He is fascinated by shadows and always has been since he was small :). When he pitches a ball or swings a bat or simply walks down a sidewalk, he watches his friendly shadow next to him. :)

One of the cutest things that J does is he tells stories...from out of nowhere...and usually during a conversation you're having about something completely different. His mind wanders into the abyss on a regular basis. Yes, it can be annoying, but some of his revelations are very interesting!

So, what do your kids do? :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bush Pictures 4 Dad :)

I wanted to post these pictures just for Mcdaddy who wanted to see them upclose :) Here ya go dad. These were taken just this morning.

this is the chokecherry by the garage service door. the chocolate mint makes a nice ground cover around it. :)
this shows the bushes by the front entrance of the house to the left.
this shows the ones along the sidewalk
another front patch picture
another along the sidewalk picture.
these are the ones around the patio - notice I put new mulch down around them. Looks much better.
back line bushes, got some gaps, but they look nicer anyway.
other side of the yard, back line bushes - I cleaned them up more after Ad got a hold of them, but couldn't reach the top so they are rounded...
cheyenne privet hedge